Guide··SSLAndroid.NET MAUI
Resolving Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLHandshakeException
Learn how to connect to localhost over SSL and resolve handshake errors like java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException from an Android emulator in .NET MAUI.
Tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Aptabase and app development.
Guide··SSLAndroid.NET MAUI
Learn how to connect to localhost over SSL and resolve handshake errors like java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException from an Android emulator in .NET MAUI.
Guide··PDFFilePicker.NET MAUI
Learn how to configure permissions, build a file-picker and handle PDF files in a cross-platform compatible way in .NET MAUI.
Guide··System.Threading.Channels.NET MAUI
Learn how to use System.Threading.Channels for efficient asynchronous event processing in your .NET MAUI applications.
The story on why I built Aptakube on Tauri, the struggles I had with Electron and a short comparison between them
Despite the infrequency of Rust panics, they aren't impossible. Explore how to effectively manage these exceptions in your Tauri applications.
Debug··SwiftSwift Package
Got this error on Xcode saying that one your Swift Package is missing an architecture? Learn how to fix it.
Debug··.NET MAUImacOSMac Catalyst
Confused as to why your .NET MAUI app is returning the iOS version on a Mac Catalyst app? Learn how to get the actual macOS version on a Mac Catalyst app.
Debug··.NET MAUIDependency Injection
Got this exception when trying to inject a service on a ContentPage? This post will show you how to fix it in seconds.
There are many different ways to store data in a persistent way, in this post we'll a few options that are available to Tauri apps.
Product Update··FlutterTauri
Using Tauri or Flutter? We've added a new feature to our product that you definitely want to know about.
Logging is such an important part of any application. This post will show you how to use the official Tauri log plugin to log messages with loads of examples
iPadOS is an operating system based on iOS and this short post will show you how to detect iPadOS with Swift.
Building a tauri app and don't know where to find the logs? This short post will show you where to find the logs for your Tauri app.